Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Brett Schulte.
HEAD-QUARTERS OF THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, Feb. 8, P. M.—Nothing of interest has transpired on the lines to-day, although the weather has been more favorable than for several days past.
The troops are busy building works on the established line, which it will take some days to complete, when they will commence erecting new quarters for themselves.
This will not be a difficult job, for there is plenty of timber in the neighborhood, and the men have got so used to work that the regular carpenters at the North would be astonished to witness the rapidity with which whole rows of houses are run up, some of which are models of architectural beauty.
Lieutenant-Colonel Fremaine (wrongly reported as Major Tremaine, of General Gregg’s staff), of the Tenth New York Cavalry, who was badly wounded in the engagement of Monday, died last evening [February 7, 1865].
Major Bumont, of the First New Jersey Cavalry, was severely wounded in Monday’s fight [February 6, 1865]. Lieutenant Martin, Eighty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, was severely wounded. Lieutenant John Kelly, of the Ninety-seventh New York, was also wounded.
The total number of casualties in the late engagements have not yet been officially obtained, but will prove somewhat larger than at first reported. W. D. McG.
HEAD-QUARTERS ARMY OF THE POTOMAC, Feb. 10, P. M.—Two men were executed to-day in this army, for desertion. Their names were James L. Hix, Sixty-seventh Pennsylvania, Third Division, Sixth Corps, and Samuel Clement, Thirty-second Maine. The latter was convicted of cowardice, in addition to the charge of desertion. Hugh F. Riley, of the Eleventh Massachusetts, was also to have been shot to-day for desertion, but the execution of his sentence has been suspended.
The losses in the late engagement at Hatcher’s Run foot up as follows, not counting the missing, which will not exceed two hundred.
First Division—Officers killed, 4; wounded, 12; men killed, 18; wounded, 141.
Second Division—Officers killed, 5; wounded, 10; men killed, 13; wounded, 178.
Third Division—Officers killed, 5; wounded, 27; men killed, 69; wounded, 498.
Second Division—Officers killed, 3; wounded, 8; men killed 4; wounded 25.
Third Division—Officers wounded, 4; men killed, 67; wounded, 82.
Officers killed, 4; wounded, 9; men killed, 12; wounded, 82.
First Division—Men wounded, 17.
Total—Officers, 91; men, 1113.
In the first day’s fight it was stated that the Second Division Second Corps were the only troops actively engaged, which report did injustice to the Second Brigade of the Third Division, commanded by Brevet Brigadier-General McAllister. This brigade was detached from the division and sent to the support of General [Thomas A.] Smyth. They took position on his right near the Tucker House, where they threw up a strong breastwork. About the time they had it completed they were relieved by General Ramsey’s Brigade, who were ordered to occupy the ground between the latter and General Smyth’s right. Before they had time to get into position the enemy made their appearance in three lines of battle, evidently expecting little opposition at that point.
This is where the desperate fight of Sunday [February 5, 1865] afternoon took place, and had McAllister’s Brigade not stood as they did, repulsing three desperate assaults, the Second Division would have been flanked, and the enemy, gaining the Vaughn road, would have been in a position to cut off the connection with our main lines and would undoubtedly have caused us a much heavier loss than that reported above.
General McAllister was highly complimented by General Humphrey and other officers for the gallantry displayed by his men, General Humphreys himself being present when the third charge was repulsed.
No fighting has taken place since Tuesday, the enemy not seeming disposed to interfere with our occupancy of the ground gained in the late move.
Lieutenant J. A. Morrill, First Vermont Artillery; Lieutenant Emil Mayer, Seventh New York Volunteers; Assistant Surgeon Rudolph Greiss, Fifteenth New York Heavy Artillery; Lieutenant Wm. F. Reisenger, Two-hundredth Pennsylvania, and Captain J. M. Mansfield, One-hundred-and-eighty-sixth New York, have been dismissed [from] the service for various offenses.
Deserters who came in yesterday [February 7, 1865] say that rumors were current in their lines that Sherman was in possession of Branchville, after a sharp engagement, but they have no further particulars. They also state that General Lee was present at the fight on Hatcher’s Run on Monday [February 6, 1865], and notwithstanding his personal efforts to urge his men on they could not be induced to fight with anything like the spirit they formerly did. This fact was also noticed by many of our officers, who saw the Rebel officers endeavor in vain to urge their men forward at different points. W. D. McG.1

- “By Telegraph. Army of the Potomac.” Philadelphia Inquirer. February 13, 1865, p. 4, col. 4-5 ↩