Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Jackie Martin.
AUGUST 30, 1864.
You will please allow me a short space in one of your columns to correct a mistake, and render justice to all the brave and noble men engaged in the gallant and triumphant assault (of 25th instant) on the enemy’s works near Reams’ station. I noticed in a recent issue that while the troops engaged were being designated the artillery was known only as Pegram’s. Now while it is just and proper to admit that Colonel [William R. J.] Pegram did command the artillery engaged, still I deem it no breach of justice to state that there was other than his battalion engaged, for, as a member and eye-witness, I assert that four pieces of McIntosh’s battalion (viz: one section of Johnson’s and one of Hurt’s batteries,) commanded by Captain [William B.] Hurt, was in the engagement and took a very active and prominent part in the affair, being the advance battery when the attack was made. I write this with no eye to partiality, but simply for the sake of justice.

- No title. Richmond Examiner. September 5, 1864, p. 1 col. 5 ↩