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OR XLVI P1 #186: Report of Bvt. Major George Breck, Btty L 1st NY Lt Arty, Mar 29-Apr 6, 1865

No. 186. Report of Bvt. Major George Breck, Battery L, First New York Light Artillery.1

April 22, 1865.

LIEUTENANT: In compliance with instruction, I have the honor to submit the following report of the part taken by my command since its separation from the Fifth Army Corps, in the actions before Petersburg:

On the 29th of March my battery, under command of Lieutenant D. M. Perine, was ordered to report to to Bvt. Major C. A. Philips, commanding the batteries detached from the Fifth Army Corps. The battery moved into position on the line occupied by the Ninth Corps Army in front of the Avery house, in rear and on the left of Fort Morton. It remained in this position inactive till the morning of April 2, at which time an assault was made upon the enemy’s works, resulting in the capture of four forts, a number of guns, and prisoners. The four gun detachments under command of Lieutenant Deitz (during the temporary absence of Lieutenant Perine) were ordered to advance and work the guns abandoned by the enemy. This was promptly done, the men being led on a double-quick, exposed to a severe fire of musketry and artillery which the enemy was pouring into the captured works from forts on either flank and in rear of them. Arriving at one of the forts the guns were found manned by others who had preceded the men of Battery L for the same purpose. They then advanced to another of the captured works, found one gun, but wee unable to work it in consequence of the gun implements being destroyed. They then proceeded to another and found that occupied and manned also. After remaining awhile in this work and finding the guns efficiently served Lieutenant Deitz returned with the men, to the battery,which under command of Lieutenant Perine engaged the enemy whose guns were still directed at our forces in the line of captured works. A desultory firing was kept up till sunset with apparent good effect, as the enemy’s artillery was silence whenever my battery engaged him. During the night Petersburg was evacuated, and the following day my command fell back into camp. On the 6th of April I was ordered to proceed to City Point and encamp.

Number of rounds expended in action, 115; casualties, none.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Bvt. Major, Commanding Battery L, First New York Artillery.

Lieutenant FORD. MORRIS,
Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, Artillery Brigadier, Fifth Army Corps.


  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XLVI, Part 1 (Serial Number 95), p. 1085
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