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OR XLVI P1 #56: Report of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph W. Spaulding, 19th ME, Mar 29-Apr 9, 1865

No. 56. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph W. Spaulding, Nineteenth Maine Infantry.1

April 10, 1865.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to forward the following report of the doings of this regiment since the 29th ultimo:

March 29, broke camp at 5 a. m. and marched at 7 a. m. out on Vaughan road about one mile and formed line. In afternoon advanced as skirmishers to Dabney’s Mill, where it remained for the night. March 30, five companies advanced as skirmishers and the remainder with the line of battle; skirmishers advanced till they met the enemy at Fort Powell, and engaged them during the day until 4 p. m., when they were relieved by the Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteers and rejoined the regiment and brigade at the Crow house. March 31, at 4 a. m. moved short distance to relieve a part of the Third Division. At noon, an advance having been ordered, this regiment was deployed and advanced as skirmishers to within short range of the enemy’s works, and engaged them during the day, taking a few prisoners and having several men wounded. Withdrew at dark and rejoined the brigade.

April 1, lay in line all day. At 5 p. m. moved a short distance to the front and constructed works. From this date to the 7th instant marched with the brigade, but was not engaged. The 7th instant, at 10 a. m., the regiment advanced as skirmishers up to the works on the east side of High Bridge, on Lynchburg railroad, which were found vacated, but the enemy were discovered on the opposite side of the run, and both bridges were found to be on fire. The regiment advanced on double-quick to the foot bridge, sent three companies across as skirmishers, and with the remainder put out the fire and saved the bridge. The enemy advanced a strong skirmish line against the skirmishers of

this regiment, and present them back and followed so closely that but one of our companies could recross the bridge. The Third Brigade advancing to our support at just this moment, the enemy were driven back on the double-quick. Colonel I. W. Starbird was severely wounded in this engagement. The regiment afterward marched along the railroad with the brigade to Farmville, and in the afternoon moved to the right and took position with the division on the right of the First Division and constructed works. April 8 and 9, marched in a westerly direction with the brigade to this place, and did not meet the enemy. In afternoon of the 9th participated in the general enjoyment of the Army of the Potomac.

I have the honor to be, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding.

Captain O. R. SMALL,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.


  1. The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XLVI, Part 1 (Serial Number 95), pp. 763-764
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