No. 27. Report of Captain Lucius H. Ives, Twenty-sixth Michigan Infantry.1
In the Field, Va., April 12, 1865.
CAPTAIN: In compliance with circular of the 10th instant, I have the honor to forward the following report of operations of this regiment since the 28th ultimo:
Regiment was relieved from picket the morning of the 29th, having broken camp the night previous, and marched with the brigade; crossed Hatcher’s Run about 12 m., and, deploying as skirmishers, moved in advance of the column until late in the afternoon, when we assembled and joined the brigade. 30th, at 5 p. m. advanced in line of battle, connecting with the Third Division on our right, and Second New York Artillery on our left. At 2 p. m. relieved the One hundred and fortieth Pennsylvania Volunteers on the skirmish line. Established our line in an open field in easy range of the enemy’s works, with whom a continuous firing was kept up during the afternoon. Loss, two men wounded. 31st, relieved from skirmish line at 7 a. m., and joined the brigade, which was then formed in rear of the works occupied by the Fifth Corps the day previous. Advanced in line of battle about 10 a. m., covering the right flank of Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers; were partially engaged with the enemy during the afternoon, losing two men wounded. Toward night built works near White Oak road, where we remained until 4 a. m.
April 1, we abandoned the position taken the day previous, and occupied another some distance to the left. At night advanced and established a picket-line on White Oak road, about sixty yards from the enemy, covering a flank movement of the division which was ordered to co-operate with General Sheridan. 2nd, at daylight fell back to the line occupied by our troops the day previous, where we remained until 4 p. m., when we joined the brigade near Sutherland’s Station, on the South Side road. 3rd, at 7 a. m. were sent out on a reconnaissance toward the Appomattox and succeeded in capturing thirty-four prisoners, five of whom were commissioned officers. At 2 p. m. joined the column on its march in pursuit of Lee’s army. 4th, marched six miles and halted for the night. 5th, continued the march to the Danville road and encamped for the night. 6th, moved in direction of Amelia Court-House. four companies sent out as flankers, the remaining five ordered to make a reconnaissance on a road leading north from Jeter’s Station; found the enemy’s skirmishers on the opposite side of Flat Creek, which was crossed under fire and the enemy driven back a considerable distance, abandoning three wagons in their flight. In this skirmish the whole regiment participated. We were then assembled and moved in line of battle with the brigade in pursuit of the enemy’s train-our right connecting with the One hundred and fortieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, our left resting on the road. The regiment made several charges, driving the enemy from his position and following closely in his retreat until dark. Captured 147 prisoners and participated in the capture of 162 wagons, losing 1 man killed and 14 wounded. 7th, followed the enemy in his retreat, crossing the Appomattox at High Bridge, and formed line of battle on the right of the brigade in front of his position near Farmville. About 12 m. one commissioned officer and twenty-seven men were sent out on the skirmish line, connecting with the Fifth New Hampshire Volunteers on the right. This detachment charged the enemy’s
works, with the skirmish line of the First Brigade, losing 5 men killed, 8 wounded, and 1 commissioned officer and 12 men captured. At 5 p. m. the regiment deployed to meet the enemy’s skirmishers in a counter charge, driving them into their main works and re-establishing our line, where we remained until dark, when we were relieved and joined the brigade. 8th, continued in pursuit of the enemy until 11 p. m. and halted for the night. 9th, deployed on either side of the brigade as flankers until 12 m., when we were halted, and remained until dark, when we were relieved and joined the brigade.
Including those already mentioned this regiment has captured since the 28th ultimo 256 prisoners.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Commanding Regiment.
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade.
- The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Volume XLVI, Part 1 (Serial Number 95), pp. 717-718 ↩