Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Brett Schulte.
A 13th Pa. Cav. Man Demonstrates Who Was There.
EDITOR NATIONAL TRIBUNE: While I can throw no light on who the captor of “Captured,” in the issue of May 3 was, I can refresh W. H. Collingwood’s memory as to who was at Stony Creek that day. The 4th [Pennsylvania Cavalry] and 16th P[ennsylvani]a. Cav[alry]. was not in for all the glory. Nearly 30 years will dull mens’ recollections, we have not a doubt, but why remember all the other happenings of that day and not remember that the 13th P[ennsylvani]a. Cav[alry]. took a very active part in that day’s doings. Now, he claims the 16th P[ennsylvani]a. Cav[alry]. was in front of the forts, which certainly was not the case.
The 4th P[ennsylvani]a. Cav[alry]. charged from the southeast. The 16th P[ennsylvani]a. Cav[alry]. was dismounted and deployed through the brush and swamps and came in from just about the opposite direction, while a battery of our artillery was sending in their compliments from the northwest. The 13th P[ennsylvani]a. Cav[alry]. formed at the south edge of the timber, and went direct to the front of those two forts, drawing a very large portion of the rebel fire of musketry and artillery. Had it not been for the very steep banks of Stony Creek and also deep water the rebs would have all been taken in before the 4th P[ennsylvani]a. Cav[alry]. arrived 1
While we will agree the 4th did nobly, and no regiment could have done better, we do not intend to be written out of what we know to be ours. We suppose if any one of the 4th P[ennsylvani]a. [Cavalry] were to write up the charge they made south of Hancock Station in that same Winter the 13th would not be in it any more than at Stony Creek. We mean the night the 4th charged the sutler. Ah! did not the brave old 13th answer to the call? Did any one notice any skulkers? I will answer that, Not much. Now, while at this great distance we do not wish the 4th P[ennsylvani]a. Cav[alry]. to try and take any honors from us, although we did wish the next day after the sutler was raided they would take all that honor, so that our camp would not have been subjected to search. It is true, most of the bodies were in the cold, cold ground while that searching went on.—S[TUART]. R. EVERIL, Co. F, 13th Pa. Cav., Watsonstown, Pa.[1o. Everil, Stuart. R. “Stony Creek. “A 13th Pa. Cav. Man Demonstrates Who Was There.” National Tribune 19 July 1894. 3:7.]

- SOPO Editor’s Note: On December 1, 1864, Gregg’s Second Cavalry Division of the Army of the Potomac took the road to Stony Creek Station to see how much Confederate cavalry remained. They captured the two forts guarding the depot, burned badly needed supplies, and captured almost 200 prisoners before holding off several attacks from Confederate cavalry nearing the area. The preceding two paragraphs discuss very specifically how those two forts were captured. ↩