Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Brett Schulte.
The Burning of the “Greyhound” and the Sinking of the “Florida”
FORTRESS MONROE Va., Nov. 28.—The fire which caused the destruction of the steamer Greyhound, while coming down the James River yesterday afternoon, with Maj.-Generals BUTLER and SCHENCK and Rear Admiral PORTER on board, is supposed to have originated in the locality of the felting, with which it is customary to protect the wood work of steamers from the heat of the boiler and steam chimney. In twenty minutes from the time the fire was first discovered, notwithstanding the strenuous exertions of the attaches of the boat, every part of the steamer was enveloped in flames. The machinery was immediately stopped, and the tide drifted her over on the flats, near Hog Island, where in a few moments she burned to the water’s edge. The valuable horses belonging to Major-General BUTLER and staff all perished. Two persons on board managed to obtain a small portion of their clothing, and, with this exception the captain, pilot and all hands experienced the sad loss of all their personal effects.
The Greyhound belonged to Mr. GEORGE H. POWERS, of Hudson, N. Y., and was universally acknowledged to be the swiftest steamer in these waters.
The French man-of-war Adonas, Commander MIOT, arrived in the harbor this afternoon.
Intelligence has been received here to-day to the effect that the recently captured privateer Florida, which had been lying in Hampton Roads since the period of her arrival here, several weeks since, sunk at her anchorage off Newport News, Va., some time during this morning. Vessels bound down the James River report that merely the topmasts are visible above the water’s edge. It has been well known that it was with great difficulty that the Florida could be kept free of water while lying in the harbor, on account of the breach made by the prow of the Wachusetts in the encounter off Bahia having extended nearly down to the water line.1

- “From Fortress Monroe.” Philadelphia Inquirer. November 30, 1864, p. 1 col. 1 ↩