Nov. 4, 1864.
I humbly beg pardon for again trespassing upon your columns, but I wish to say that we have been much troubled of late by the reception of a number of McClellan electoral tickets, all of which have been either returned to those who sent them or have been mercilessly confined to the flames of our camp fires, for we have the proud satisfaction to say that Company K is for Abraham Lincoln throughout.
Many soldiers have learned that it is the object of the United states Government to restore such a peace that our posterity may never be ashamed of, and with that peace true happiness and permanent prosperity, and that the only means by which this desirable end can possibly be accomplished, is by a continuation of that wholesale conquering policy that has so signally characterized the present administration. Doubtless the opposition will exert every nerve to collect together the old fag ends of political factions for a sort of foundation on which to erect a new party, to be called a peace party, but as long as they preach the doctrine of peace as set forth in the Chicago Convention they need not expect to find many intelligent followers in the army of the United States.1 The right kind of peace can only be secured by force of arms until the time when all shall acknowledge the supremacy of the Constitution, and submission to the laws of the United States, and to this end we look as not being far hence.
Permit me to add that the health of the company is good, and the officers are such that any company in the service might justly be proud of. Capt. Waverling, Lieut. Bessor, and Lieut. Sparks are men in every sense and well worthy to command, as is plainly evinced by the manner in which they are always obeyed by the men.
SOPO Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Roy Gustrowsky.
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