An intelligent member of the Washington New Orleans Artillery, who left Bottoms Bridge yesterday [June 13, 1864] at twelve o’clock, brings us some interesting information from that now somewhat famous locality. It was discovered at an early hour yesterday [June 13, 1864] morning, that the great Human Butcher, U. S. Grant, had made another of those sand-fiddler movements, and this time the main bulk of his forces turned up at the Long Bridges in Charles City county, about six miles below Bottoms Bridge. Here one or two regiments crossed, but Fitz Lee’s cavalry drove them back with ease. His earthworks on our left [at Cold Harbor] were found to be occupied by only a few skirmishers, who were captured. He has now abandoned all his positions near Gaines’ Mill, Cold Harbor and Turkey Hill, and is desperately striving to reach James river. His parallels within fifty yards of Gen Lee’s lines, were mere feints to cover this crawfish movement, and the hot work which our boys anticipated “immediately, if not sooner,” may be deferred for a day or two—perhaps altogether. After all, Grant may be striving to reach James river on the east bank of the Chickahominy, where he can embark his troops for the South side. This movement of the Yankee commander necessitates a similar movement on the part of Gen. Lee, and our troops are before this, in a position to confront Grant should he persist in attempting to cross at the Long Bridges.—We thought the destruction of the York River Railroad, a strange proceeding, which our scouts reported a day or two since, if the enemy intended to persevere in his efforts to reach Richmond by the McClellan route. Grant’s army, which a correspondent of the New York Herald represented a few days since as being within seven miles of Richmond by an air line, is now distant at least twenty-five miles, with a much deeper and wider stream between him and the coveted prize. The nearer he now approaches the mouth of the Chickahominy, the more difficult will it be to cross.1

- “From the Richmond Front.” The Daily Express (Petersburg, VA). June 14, 1864, p. 2 col. 3 ↩