The Attack on Petersburg–Further Particular [sic].
Richmond, June 10 [1864].
The enemy, five thousand strong, under Gen. [August] Kautz, made a fierce attempt to capture Petersburg [on June 9, 1864]. The enemy advanced in two columns, and after several assaults upon on works southeast of the city, in which they were repulsed, they succeeded in flanking our forces and causing them to retreat after fighting bravely.
The Petersburg militia sustained the brunt of the first assault, behaving like veterans–loosing [sic] six killed and thirty wounded–some of our best citizens among them.
The Yankees then advanced to the suburbs, but at an opportune moment Graham’s battery [Petersburg Virginia Artillery] opened from Reservoir hill, and simultaneously Dearing’s cavalry charged them. The enemy wheeled and fled in great confusion. The column advancing on the Blandford road, was repulsed by Sturdivant’s battery which arrived in time. Our reinforcements pursued the Yankees for several miles. The residence of Timothy Rives was sacked and burned. Mr. Rives was carried off. Rev. Wm. Hill, chaplain of the Washington artillery, was also captured.
We are indebted to a gentleman of the following private despatch, giving a list of the citizens of Petersburg killed in the Yankee raid there on the 9th [of June, 1864], and some of the wounded:
Petersburg, June 10.
All quiet at Clifton and elsewhere to-day. Among the killed yesterday, are J. E. Friend, W. J. Banis, and G. B. Jones. Among the wounded, are R. A. Martin, W. T. McCandlish, W. H. Hardee, G. V. Scott, N. T. Page, add [sic, and] A. Guy Johnston, who has since died.
From Gen. Lee’s Army.
Richmond, June 10.
There is no change in the position of the two armies. All quiet to-day.1
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- “Telegraphic Reports of the Press Association.” The Daily Confederate (Raleigh, NC). June 11, 1864, p. 2 col. 5 ↩