PETERSBURG, July 20.—There is no change in the situation, and no indication of any immediate hostilities on the part of Grant.
The weather is warm and sultry. There was a heavy rain yesterday [July 19, 1864], which refreshed everything.
The report of Grant’s death is contradicted by deserters who entered our lines yesterday [July 19, 1864].
There is the usual skirmishing and cannonading.
ATLANTA, July 20.—Reynolds’ brigade [Reynolds/Walthall/Stewart/Aot] attacked the enemy’s line of skirmishers last evening [July 19, 1864] at Peach Tree creek, and took possession of their intrenchments. He then charged the reserve pickets, supported by Dilworth’s corps, and captured one hundred and fifty prisoners.1
The Eightieth Illinois regiment lost in killed and wounded alone one hundred, while that of the Fiftieth Ohio was severe.2
SOPO Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Jackie Martin.
If you are interested in helping us transcribe newspaper articles like the one above, please CONTACT US.

- SOPO Editor’s Note: I am not remotely an expert on the Atlanta Campaign, but I believe this fight to be a skirmish the day before the July 20, 1864 Battle of Peachtree Creek. The 80th Illinois was at that battle, but the 50th Ohio, based on orders of battle, was not. As so often happened on both sides, the Press Association probably got the number of the Ohio regiment wrong. If you can shed light on this situation, please leave a comment below or Contact Us. ↩
- “Telegraphic Reports of the Press Association.” Richmond Examiner. July 21, 1864, p. 2 col. 6 ↩
Brett, I found two passages in my box of letters that relate to your Telegraphic Report today:
On 20 July 1864, Spann Jeffers wrote to his sister from Malvern Hill:
“I have no news to write you that you will not hear before this reaches you. It is reported that Grant is dead but although it has been two or three days since the rumor started nothing conclusive has been heard.
Our Army has returned in safety from Maryland. Though they did not capture Washington or Baltimore or devastate, in retaliation, the country through which they passed I hope they accomplished the object for which they were sent. Our commissary stores have been greatly replenished, our supply of horses increased, and Grant’s plans probably embarrassed.”
Then on 25 July 1864, Spann wrote to his father from Camp 7th SCC Near Riddle’s Shop:
“We are receiving glorious news from Georgia and I trust that all we hear concerning the defeat of Sherman is true. Since our fears for the safety of Atlanta are dispelled we now feel more cheerful. As to Grant and his movements no apprehension is entertained. On Gen Lee and his brave troops our hopes are centered, and indeed their past career has well entitled them to our confidence. “