Unit: 105th Pennsylvania
Unit Affiliation: (2), 3, II
Title: History of the One hundred and Fifth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers
Author: Scott, Kate M.
BTC’s Take: Regimental nurse Kate M. Scott corresponded with members of the regiment throughout the war. In addition, she communicated with numerous veterans and the wives of veterans to colect letters, diaries, regimental papers and other items to write this regimental history. It is an excellent history of the regiment, and thhe Siege of Petersburg is covered well over 2+ chapters. I was also able to find some images of all of the commanders of the regiment from the Siege of Petersburg. Anyonee interested in this regiment at the Siege of Petersburg or elsewhere would definitely benefit from obtaining a copy.
Book Summary/Review:
- None forthcoming. Not enough info to merit a review.
BTC Siege of Petersburg Book Notes:
Publisher: New World Pub.
Publication Date: 1877
ISBN-13: 978-0935523324 (Reprint)
Links to Read/Buy:
- History of the One Hundred and Fifth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers (Google Books)
- History of the One Hundred and Fifth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers (Amazon.com)