Unit: 1st Texas
Unit Affiliation: (Gregg), Field, I
Title: From Corsicana to Appomattox: The Story of the Corsicana Invincibles and the Navarro Rifles
Author: Spencer, John W.
BTC’s Take: This one has a really weird vibe to it. It covers the Corsicana Invincibles (Co. E, 1st TX) and the Navarro Rifles (Co. I, 4th TX) through the war. The book pinwheels awkwardly between all the generalizations you’ve always heard to specific instances of these units in combat. The tense meanders as well, sometimes trying to put you in the moment, and other times talking clearly about the past. The earlier, non-1864-5 portions of this book might be better, but the author’s coverage of the Overland and Petersburg Campaign leaves something to be desired.
Book Summary/Review:
BTC Siege of Petersburg Book Notes:
Publisher: Texas Press
Publication Date: 1984
ISBN-13: 978-9997685247
Links to Read/Buy:
- From Corsicana to Appomattox: The Story of the Corsicana Invincibles and the Navarro Rifles (Google Books)
- From Corsicana to Appomattox: The Story of the Corsicana Invincibles and the Navarro Rifles (Amazon.com)