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NP: June 10, 1864 Richmond Examiner: Telegraphic Reports, June 9

Telegraphic Reports of the Press Association.


Mountain Top, June 9, 1 P.M.- The enemy advanced again to day with cavalry, and were driven back by Imboden’s Infantry.

The Column on each side of the railroad advanced to Fishersville, burning the railroad track. All quiet here now.


Petersburg, June 9 [1864]- The enemy, from three to five thousand strong, under General [August] Kautz, made a desperate attempt to capture this city to-day. They advanced in two columns and after several assaults upon our works southeast of the city, in which they were repulsed, succeeded in flanking our forces and causing them to retreat after fighting bravely.

The Petersburg militia sustained the brunt of the first assault, behaving like veterans, losing six killed and thirty wounded, some of our best citizens among them. Reinforcements came up after the enemy had gotten almost in the city and drove them back.

The Yankees are now retreating through Prince George.1

SOPO Editor’s Note: This article was transcribed by Mark Hinson.

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  1. “Telegraphic Reports of the Press Association.” Richmond Examiner. June 10, 1864, p. 2 c. 6
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